Sunday 4 August 2013


In the Vedic experience, teleportation was a common practice. Teleportation is a siddhi -Siddhis are the birthright of each person. 

Teleportation is a term most people associate with science fiction movies and fantasy novels. In the Harry Potter World, teleportation is often used although it is called apparition, a spell which allows the user to instantaneously teleport from one location to another. American Star Trek films give a strong visual impression of the spaceship crew dissolving into beams of light, and then seeing those beams reassemble into human forms in a different location. But is this really possible in daily life, in today’s world as we know it?

Scientists have been hard at work for more than a century seeking to make teleportation available to society.

What Is Teleportation?

The word teleportation is composed of the Greek root telos, meaning “at a distance”, and the Latin root portare, “to carry” or to move. Teleportation means to move an object over a long distance. What it also means, although this is not included in the word, is that the object leaves one location and arrives at the other without travelling by any means of transportation available at the present time

Latest Research

International studies have continued to proliferate as scientists around the world have experimented with teleportation, seeking a formula to safely move living beings across space. In 2002, an Australian team announced that they had succeeded in making a beam of light disappear and reappear in a different location. 
More successes followed in 2004 as two independent groups conducted different experiments. The University of Innsbruck in Austria and the National Institute of Standards and Technology in Colorado USA each was able to transport an atom from one location to another within a laboratory setting. Their report comments: “When physicists talk about ‘teleportation’, they are describing the transfer of “quantum states” between separate atoms. These would be such things as an atom’s energy, motion, magnetic field and other physical properties. The ability to transfer key properties of one particle to another without using any physical link has until now only been achieved with laser light.”Australian National University physicist Ping Koy Lam was able to disassemble a laser light at one end of an optical communications system, and recreate a replica of it just one meter away. The most likely usefulness of this form of teleportation is expected to take place in telecommunications, enabling a much faster transfer of data along with the use of encryption that can never be broken.
For human beings to be teleported, however, a machine would have to be built that could pinpoint and analyse the billions of atoms that compose the human body. When interviewed, Dr Lam commented that human teleportation most probably has a long way to go. Teleportation is still experimental at the single-atom level.
In 2006, physicists at the Niels Bohr Institute (Denmark), led by Eugene Polzik, teleported photons across half a meter and used them to illuminate a cloud of atoms. This was considered a milestone because it involved teleportation between light and matter, two different objects. Dr. Polzik remarked in his press release: “Light is the carrier of information, and the atom cloud is the storage medium (for that information). “ He observed that he and his colleagues expect to be able to duplicate the results over greater distances in future experiments.
A team from the University of Vienna, Austria, headed by Dr. Robert Ursin, raised the bar for teleportation in 2007 when they succeeded in transporting photons from the island of La Palma to the neighboring island of Tenerife, at a distance of 89 miles of open ocean, with the assistance of fiber-optic cables.

Latest Breakthrough

Breakthroughs have continued steadily. The latest record has been set by Jian-Wei Pan of the University of Science and Technology in Shanghai. They have transported photons across Qinghai Lake, a distance of 97 kilometers (approximately 40 miles) of water. The experiment was conducted without the use of fiber-optics, making it the longest teleport across free space. The fiber-optic cables keep the photon path narrow and linear, while in free space they may drift out of alignment and fail to arrive properly.

Ancient Vedic Tradition

In the Vedic tradition of pre-historic India, technology was developed to a degree far surpassing that of the present day. Much of it remains in the hands of sacred literature, in oral teachings and in the akashic record available to enlightened beings. Some details of the science on which it was based have been forgotten through lack of practice, but the foundations have been preserved and handed down from generation to generation.

Initial Laboratory Success

In 1998 a team of researchers at California Institute of Technology successfully teleported a photon across a distance of approximately one meter. However, during the process the original object was destroyed.
Most physicists feel that destruction of the original object is inevitable, since only one item of a specific arrangement of molecules can exist at the same time. This is the potential risk in teleportation, because the matter must be dismantled and reassembled swiftly enough to prevent loss of life.

Vedic science of Teleportation

The Vedic science of teleportation works on the premise that matter and energy are inter-convertible. Just as the pattern of sound waves in a telephone is carried by an electric current from the source to the destination, where it is ‘reconverted’ to sound, an object to be teleported is simply dissolved into energy at the source, and transported through space to be reassembled at its destination. Although we say ‘simply dissolved’, the complexity of the process and the mastery of mind over matter required here is unimaginable. Teleportation and other siddhis (spiritual powers) are gained only by a lifetime (or lifetimes) of arduous spiritual discipline. All materials cannot be teleported with equal success, as only certain materials can withstand the extreme rigors of being pulled apart at the atomic level, converted into energy vibrations, transmitted through space and then distilled into matter again. In fact, an authentic siddha will determine beyond doubt whether a diamond is real or fake, simply by teleporting it a few feet! An inferior stone with a weak molecular structure will be pulverized during the process of teleportation, and could never be reassembled again.

Harnessing the Human Energy Field

How do practitioners of Vedic spirituality evolve their abilities? Why can’t everyone teleport who spends time in meditation?
The answer is that siddhis draw upon a specialized energy which lies dormant in the body. The human energy field, like an electrical field, surrounds and permeates the body. Just as electricity needs a conduit to concentrate and direct it before it can be used, human energy must be accessed to harness it. The key to the access is stored within each person from birth, but cannot be activated until one reaches a certain level of consciousness. That level is enhanced by meditation, and supplemented by other forms of practice.

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