Tuesday, 3 September 2013

Palms Reading (advanced)

Palm-reading is a worthwhile talent that an unfortunately small amount of people know how to do. While it is relatively easy to learn the basics of reading palms, there are more than just lines on your hand. Palm reading consists of three parts: Chirognomy (study of hand shapes, including fingers and mounts), Chiromancy (study of the lines) and Dermatoglyphics (study of skin ridges and fingerprints). Read on to learn some advanced techniques to use while reading palms.

  1. 1
    Examine the finger shape. Finger shape normally coincides with the shape of the hand. However, most hands represent a mixture of finger types. This mixture helps to create a diversity of qualities and talents for a person. The shape of the fingernail is also used in trying to determine the type of finger.

    • Square fingers have square nails and represent a down-to-earth quality in respect to the attributes of the finger.
    • Pointed fingers often have almond-shaped nails and reveal an artistic nature.
    • Spade-shaped fingers have square-based nails which broaden at the tip and represent inventiveness.
    • Cone-shaped fingers have oval nails and represents an imaginative quality.
    • With mixed fingers, if a person had a square type of ring finger, for example, then they would be artistically inclined. But if the same person had a pointed index finger, then their occupation will commonly not be art-related.
    • When it comes to nails, naturally long nails show a soft heart; short nails show an unfortunate paranoid and uneasy nature; wide nails show quarrelsome qualities; narrow nails show a conservative and refined nature.
  2. 2
    Examine the finger smoothness. The smoothness or knottiness of the fingers and their joints is a good indication of which area of life a person would most likely be active in. It also deals with the instinctive, practical, and intellectual attainment in regards to the fields which each finger represents. The middle finger deals with service (goals, restrictions). The index finger deals with authority (position, wealth, happiness). The ring finger deals with fulfillment (fame, success). Finally, the little finger deals with activity (health, mind, commercial ventures).

    • If your joints are generally smooth, then you may tend to be passive, letting other control you, but at the same time quite impulsive which may sometimes lead to carelessness.
    • If your top knuckles are smooth and your middle ones are internally rough, then you are a person whose intellect and practicality work well together. A strong instinctive drive is a characteristic of well-developed knuckles.
    • The fleshiness of the pads inside the fingers as well as the flatness of those areas show a good development or lack of it in regards to the attributes of each finger.
    • Well-developed balls on the ends of fingers show a strong intellect and courtesy of the mind. A flatness represents a lack of intellectual insight regarding the attributes of the respective fingers.
  3. 3
    Examine the finger spacing. It is also important to note the way fingers are spaced apart. With your hand in a relaxed position, examine how some fingers stand apart from others and how some stick close to the adjacent fingers.

    • An independent mind is signified when your little finger stands apart from the ring finger, with a great deal of space between them.
    • An art-related life is shown when the ring finger sticks close to the middle finger. Your fate will also aid in your success.
    • If your middle finger and the index finger stick close together, it shows that you will gain authority and rank through your own goals and dreams. If they stand apart, then your position will come from other means.
  4. 4
    Examine the finger build. The build and thickness of a person's fingers can denote the personality type.

    • Heavy fingers often show a more physical nature, maybe with a tough outlook on things.
    • Long and slim fingers signify more of an emotional and aggressive type of person, so this person may be very sensitive to insults or very literal to sarcastic remarks.
    • Short and thick shows that a person is more emotionally comfortable.
    • If your index finger is longer than the normal length, you tend to be a leader and tell others what to do. But if it is shorter, then you tend to sit back and let others control you.
  5. 5
    Examine the finger length. The length of your fingers are measured relative to the size of your palm. On average, the longest finger is about seven-eighths the size of your palm, and if it is just as long as your palm, then your fingers are considered long. Short fingers are shorter than seven-eighths of the palm. In relation to the fingers, the thumb is normally higher than the bottom joining of the index finger. The index finger, however, reaches a third of the way up the nail of the middle finger. The ring finger normally reaches just above the nail of the middle finger and the little, or pinkie, finger should reach the top joint of the ring finger.

    • If your ring finger is longer than the normal length, you may have an artistic talent, as well as a reckless and wild nature.
    • If your little finger is shorter than the normal length, it shows that you lack the ability to influence others. If it is longer, you tend to be very articulate, and good at writing and selling.


  1. 1
    Read the Health Line. The Health Line deals with the material well-being as much as the physical. This is especially so that when the Life Line may be faint or hard to see. If a person has very faint Fate, Fame, and Success Lines, then the Health Line also lays a strong part in the development of material wealth. The Health Line can be found extending from below the little finger, down across the palm, to the base of the thumb. Sometimes, it may even join with the Life Line.

    • Missing - it is likely that you'll have little to no health problems.
    • Strong and undisturbed - strong business sense as well as the strength to work hard and make money.
    • Wavy - potential health problems as a result of anxiety and nervousness.
    • Broken - poor health will cause problems in business situations.
    • Smaller lines crossing Health Line - prone to accidents.
    • Extra lines branches onto the Life Line - sign of life-threatening situation in old age.
    • Square encircling the line - a sign of protection, whether it be in the form of good medical treatment, or aid in solving a business problem.
    • Break in the line to form a donut shape - a need for hospitalization.
    • A triangle formed by the Life, Head, and Health Lines - known as the Lucky Triangle, where the broader the angle of the triangle, the greater your luck.
  2. 2
    Read the Fame Line. The Line of Fame reinforces the Fate Line. The Fame Line influences the social rewards of success. This line, if visible, starts at the base of the hand, and moves its way up to below the ring finger, running parallel to the Fate Line.

    • Missing - one's future fame must be looked for in other areas of the palm; may still be successful but prefer to do without public acclaim.
    • Strong and clear - distinction and satisfaction with your life's work.
    • Broken repeatedly - indication of the ups and downs of social recognition.
    • Travels straight to the ring finger - likely to have fame in the arts.
    • Starts at the Head Line and runs through the Heart Line - hard work and success late in life.
    • A separation at the end of the Fame Line (becoming two smaller lines) - success may be dubious in value.
    • Ends beneath the ring finger in a star or triangle - spectacular success awaits in the fine arts field (acting, singing, dancing).
    • Ends beneath the ring finger in a square - a kindly patron.
  3. 3
    Read the Marriage Lines. Relationships are indicated by the little line (or lines) that are located just below the base of the little finger. The closer the lines are to the base of the little finger, the later in life these relationships will be.

    • Several light lines - romances.
    • Strong and clear lines - marriage.
    • Numerous overlapping lines - affair(s).
    • Lines that meet but don't cross - children that will be born in affairs.
    • Fork at the start towards the back of the hand - long engagement.
    • Fork at the end towards the palm - separation (with or without divorce).
    • Line at the end that cuts the line off sharply - end to a relationship due to death or divorce.
    • Breaks that resumes with an overlap - separation with a later reunion.
  4. 4
    Read the Money Lines. These lines don't indicate material wealth, so much as they represent skill in acquiring riches and how it can be done.

    • No Line - You will be making so much money you'll wipe your nose with a $100 bill
    • Line from the base of the thumb to below the index finger, ending in a star - a natural talent for moneymaking.
    • Line from the base of the thumb to the little finger - wealth acquired through inheritance or family allowances.
    • Line from the base of the thumb to below the middle finger - money made in business.
    • Line running to the ring finger, cutting through the Fame Line - money obtained through luck and surprise.
  5. 5
    Read the Travel Lines. The Travel Lines are a major indication of the trips taken throughout your life that have had or will have a penetrating impact on your life. These lines generally start from the edge of the palm at the 'heel," opposite the thumb, and extend horizontally.

    • Intersecting the Life Line - a trip will be made under circumstances of health, or your health will be affected by a trip.
    • Crossing the Travel Line - danger, or problems within travel.
    • A square encircles the lines - a sign of protection in your travels.
    • Breaks - possible delay in your travels.
    • Intersecting the Fate Line - travel will present a life-changing experience.
  6. 6
    Read the Minor Lines. The Minor Lines can be found in most hands. They include the lines of Opposition, Intuition, Escape, and Influence.

    • Lines of Opposition: These lines can be found on the outside of the palm, between the Heart and Head Lines. These lines illustrate the opposing forces that we all must deal with in life.
    • Line of Intuition: This line appears on the outer palm (at the base of the hand under the little finger). It illustrates strong insight. If you have this line you are an extremely sensitive, intuitive person and may have ESP (extra-sensory perception). The line can appear to curve into the palm or out to the edge of the palm. Either way, the meaning stays the same.
    • Line of Escape: This line is more towards the bottom of the palm, near the base. It often crosses the Life Line, and this crossing symbolizes the time in your life the following experience may happen. The Line of Escape illustrates an individual who escapes the problems of their life by indulging in their imagination. If it connects with the Line of Fame, they retreat into creative arts ease themselves. If the Line of Escape crosses with the Health Line, the person will resort to drugs and drinking. This may also foreshadow suicide.
    • Lines of Influence: These lines originate from the base of the thumb, and radiate out into the Palm. Where they connect with other lines, they illustrate an important event. The much sought after influence lines are the ones that show how and where you will come into money, if it crosses the Money Lines.

Other Aspects

  1. 1
    Learn to read the mounts of the palm.

  2. 2
    Analyze the fingerprints on the fingers.

  3. 3
    Understand the degrees of the palm.

    Sources and Citations

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How to Remember Your Past Lives


Method 1: Do It Yourself

  1. 1
    Prepare the room . Make sure the temperature is not too warm or too chilly. Draw the curtains, turn off the TV or radio, turn off your phone, and if you have a noise generator, turn it on just loud enough to mask any outside sounds. Try one of these settings:

    • White noise. It sounds like a TV tuned to no channel.
    • Pink noise. It's reminiscent of the sound of a mountain waterfall.
    • Brown noise. This brings to mind the sound of ocean waves in the distance.
  2. 2
    Relax your mind, and seek a place of calmSit or recline in a quiet, darkened room. Choose a time when you are alert and your body and mind are calm. If you are hungry or distracted, you'll have a hard time focusing.

  3. 3
    Relax your body. Kick back on your bed, or wherever you’ve chosen to conduct your self-hypnosis, and simply relax for a few minutes to prepare for your journey.

  4. 4
    Prepare yourself. Close your eyes, and get comfortable. Lie on your back, with your hands at your sides, and bathe yourself with a protective light:

    • Imagine a white, enveloping light all around you. See it in your mind’s eye, shining on your feet, your legs, your knees, your thighs, your torso and arms, your neck, your face, your head. This white light is protecting you from all negative influences. It represents love and warmth and enlightenment in a dazzling mistiness all around you, cocooning you in its brilliance, protecting you from anything bad.
    • See it in your mind. Feel its warmth, and invite it to wash over you. Repeat to yourself, either in words or intent, "I am breathing in powerful protective energy. This energy is building an aura of protection around me. This aura protects me at all times in every way."
    • Say this to yourself five times for five inhales. After this, just concentrate on visualizing and feeling the energy, making it brighter and more powerful. Take the next color that comes to mind, and repeat until you feel ready to take the next step.
  5. 5
    Begin your journey. Imagine yourself in a long hallway, with a large door at the end. See this hallway in as much detail as you can, whatever comes to mind.

    • Your hallway may be all gold and filigree, or Gothic like a cathedral, entirely constructed from gemstones, or a forest floor with a bower of branches arching over you—the choice is yours.
    • Whatever hallway you construct in your mind, use it each time you seek a past life. Imagine this hallway with the expectation that when you get to the end, when you reach the big door and turn the knob, you will discover a past life.
  6. 6
    Walk down your hallway. Take each step down that hallway with purpose. See your feet touch the ground, visualizing every aspect of your journey as you approach the large door—the smell of the room, the sounds of your environment, the color of the light, even the "smell" of your surroundings.

    • When you finally reach the end—when you feel you are ready and not a moment before—take hold of the doorknob. See yourself doing it, feeling the texture of the knob, and the sound of the mechanism as you turn it. When the bolt is disengaged, take a breath, and give the door a gentle push.
  7. 7
    Welcome a past life. Accept the very first thing you see on the other side of that door as something from your previous planes of existence.

    • It might be something as abstract as the color yellow, or as clear and vivid as a much-loved child nestled in your arms. Take whatever you see as the foundation. Build upon it. Feel it. Hold the imagery in your mind and open up to it, accepting anything that arises in your mind.
    • You might find that "yellow" becomes a carpet. As you walk deeper into your vision, you might discover that yellow is sunshine spilling onto a carpet. Perhaps you'll suddenly realize that carpet is in a London house...and so on.
    • You may doubt yourself at this point, but be reassured, you are remembering a past life.
  8. 8
    Be patient. If you see nothing, try thinking about something you've always enjoyed, a favorite hobby, skill, or travel destination. You may ask yourself, "Why do I like this? Can this be past-life related?"

    • If you still get nothing, try the shoe method: look down at your feet, and go with the first pair of shoes you see yourself wearing, and work from there. You might see sandals, and then realize you’re wearing a tunic. You might see little pointy shoes, and realize you’re wearing a big silk gown.
    • If you find yourself in a beautiful house, with a beautiful wife, and you wonder how you got there, you've slipped into a Talking Heads song. Smile and continue exploring.
    • Once you’ve remembered something—even if it's just a pair of shoes—and if you’re pretty certain there’s a grain of truth to it, you can start your next meditation from there. Always begin each session with something you’ve already seen. Always work from the known to the unknown.
  9. 9
    Accept what you see. It will seem like you are inventing these images. Sometimes you are, and you must accept that as part of the process of trying to remember a past life.

    • These visions almost always have a shred of truth at their core. You will only know for certain when you’ve done a significant number of past-life meditations, and you begin to see patterns and details repeated over and over again.
    • In the meantime, you must choose to believe that what you see is genuine; if you don’t, you will never get anywhere. Your analytical mind will simply shoot down every image as a product of your overeager imagination.
  10. 10
    Return to the present. Unless you’ve had to remove yourself from an unpleasant memory, usually what will happen is that you will simply run out of steam. You will find the images have stopped coming, or your analytical mind has been inadvertently triggered by something you’ve seen...and then you’re done. You have no choice but to open your eyes.

    • If this doesn’t happen, and you're ready to return to the current life, simply imagine that doorway where you began. Open the door, and walk down the length of that gemstone hallway—or whatever you visualised—and tell yourself that when you reach the start point, you will be refreshed, and that you will remember your past life in perfect detail and clarity.

Method 2: Hypnotherapy

  1. 1
    Visit a hypnotherapist. Sometimes, past life regression requires tools that we are unable to master—self-hypnosis, for example, can be very difficult. Certified hypnotherapists who specialize in past life regression have been trained in the necessary fields. Here's how you can expect them to direct you:

    • They may play music as they talk you into a relaxed state, making you feel safe, warm, and comfortable. Let yourself follow along, and find your inner calm.
    • Clear your mind of directed thought, and let whatever comes to you happen naturally.
    • Relax your muscles in your body, especially your neck and shoulders letting the tension release.
    • As you relax deeper, they may talk about the light, letting it flow through you, reaching into every part of your body, until it totally surrounds you.
    • Once you are prepared and totally relaxed, they will open the doors to your many past lives by guiding you back through time.
    • They'll encourage you to explore your memories, with as much detail as you recall.
    • They may take you back to the womb, and talk you through being reborn in a past life.
    • When you've discovered your past life, they will guide you through it, encouraging you to feel it as you remember it, only this time when you awake, you'll have full knowledge of your past.
    • When you're session draws to the close, the hypnotherapist will slowly bring your back to the present reality and your current life.
  2. 2
    Congratulations! You're just experienced your past life.

Method 3: Become Metaphysical

  1. 1
    Get religion. For some, past lives are not so much a place you go, but part of who you are. Many cultures throughout mankind's history have held reincarnation as central to their beliefs.

    • There are various terms for reincarnation, and many religions practice it in one form or another. While most sects within the Abrahamic religions (Judaism, Christianity, and Islam) don't believe in reincarnation, most others do.


  • If you discover something very disturbing in your past life, always remember that aura around you. You may leave as soon as you like. You do not have to stay and watch every gruesome moment.
  • During break time, or during the time after writing down your thoughts and ideas, think of special things you may have had "connections" with. These can include languages, music (very common), places, and smells. You may have been inclined to like or dislike these elements. They will help uncover a part of yourself that is distant yet familiar -as your past lives.
  • Don't try too hard. This should be something simple and natural. You shouldn't have to strain for it.
  • Don't perform your self-hypnosis exercises on consecutive days, or too often. Trying too hard will only create inaccurate past-life memories. Also, if you leave time in between sessions (weeks or months), you might find after reviewing your notes that you've remembered past-life information in the same way twice—a powerful clue that what you’re seeing is real.
  • Be ready to find and recognize the resonance of truth in what you see (or feel or smell or hear). You will know truth when you find it. You will experience a reincarnation memory, and suddenly you will have an epiphany relating to something in your current life today.
  • Past life regression has to do with soul memory and soul travel. It is you. Freud, Jung and other psychologists agreed that the unconscious—where memories and information are stored—may be hard to reach, but not impossible.
  • It may not work straight away, so keep trying until you succeed in recalling something.
  • Use the same protection words and visualizations each time to invoke a "Pavlov's dog" effect.
  • You may find that you are able to get good results by using the Best Me Technique of self-hypnosis to more easily involve your whole person in the content of a reincarnation experience.
  • In order to allow your mental processes to become as sensitive as possible to memories of a past lifetime, you may prefer to use a hyper empiric induction,[1] which is based on specific suggestions of alertness, mind expansion, and increased awareness and sensitivity.


  • Don't mistake the truth with what you want to see, or as Bob Dylan said, "don't go mistaking paradise for that home just down the road."
  • Realize that some pretty weird things can happen during past-life regression and self-hypnosis. The most common phenomenon is similar to the out of body experience. It’s a sensation of floating above your actual self, as if you are a spirit hovering over your reposed body lying on the bed. Although it's not a past life experience itself, it brings you closer than ever to the spiritual, and thus makes you more apt to remember your past life. This experience is usually accompanied by an increased heart rate and REM-like eye movements as you "look" at the scene around you.
  • There have been a number of reports of children recalling memories of their past lives. Events and names and places they recalled without having prior knowledge. These children have been as young as 2 years old.
  • If you encounter an unpleasant remembered past-life image, realize that you can instantly remove yourself from it and awaken from your self-hypnosis. Although you have protected yourself with white protective light, you might still come across a scene too painful to endure. Simply open your eyes. If you do choose to continue with seeing the unpleasant aspects of your past life, reassure yourself that you will only see it, not relive it, and that you are safe from grief or terror in your warm cocoon of protective light—you will see that life as if it’s a movie reenacted by professional actors on a stage. Tell yourself it cannot harm you, and it won’t upset you.
  • There is an ancient Chinese proverb which says, "It doesn't matter whether a cat is black or white, as long as it catches mice." From a strictly psychological point of view, it doesn't make any difference whether hypnotically-induced past-life regression experiences are actually real or whether they are a form of experiential theater. As long as some people report that their problem has been alleviated by PLR, a cure is a cure, regardless of the explanation for it.
  • Another common phenomenon that can happen is “fragmenting". Your memories will become more vivid, your heart rate will increase, and then you will start to get a sensation like you are very, very small, as if your entire being consists of a tiny speck of consciousness peeking out from where your eyes should be. The images you see will then become fragmented, like a broken pane of glass. You might begin to view abstract things, shapes and forms, like something out of a strange dream. Gradually all the past-life memories will be overtaken by this fragmenting. This whole experience can be disconcerting. But recognize anything odd and similarly abstract to be something that’s normal. Don’t let it worry you. Simply remove yourself from the imagery and stop. Thinking about your body (and being in it) will make you automatically return to it.
  • As is the case with other forms of religious experience, we need to remain open to (or at least tolerant of) the exploration of memories from a previous lifetime as long as they help us to make sense out of our present existence.
  • Many people in present-day Western culture are skeptical of past-life experiences because we have not yet been able to conclusively prove, in a scientific way, that reincarnation exists—even though half the world believes in it. (Nobody has ever brought back an ancient Roman coin from a hypnotic reincarnation session, for example.)
  • Sources and Citations

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